My middle child is beautiful 23yo Anita, and this is her quilt...or it will be as soon as I parcel it up and post it across the country to her next week!
She loves red, and I love white, so I thoroughly enjoyed thinking up this pattern and putting it together as a surprise gift for her.

The embroidered block designs I took from two quilts by the
Material Obsession girls - I love the running stitch! It was incredibly quick to do them and soooo easy with red Perle 8 thread.

For a change in texture I added two strips, top and bottom, of pure white chenille. I've been buying up vintage chenille bedspreads from the op shop this year and I've been unsure how I wanted to use them, until Anita's quilt.

I also LOVED the red and white
Prints Charming fabric I used on the border and binding. I eye it off at the local patchwork shop every time I go in and this week I finally bought some! It was the perfect design to bring this to life.

Of course, my 14yo, Blossom, was hoping this quilt was for her...HA. She has so many but never tires of my making her another! Still, she makes a good model.

Next weekend is our local Esperance Show and Blossom and I have entered some items we've made. This is our first ever 'being judged' experience so we're not taking it too seriously, we're just going to have fun and pat ourselves on the back because we entered into the Show spirit with our small coastal community. I've seen the quality of the work done by our local hand-crafters and I can't wait to wander the exhibition hall - crafty woman are a well spring of inspiration! I hope I can offer some inspiration too.
My next project will not be a large one. With two large quilts finished in the last 8 days I am SO ready to chill out and make some little projects; things for Christmas presents, new decorations, some skirts for the beach, and other things just for the fun of it - like a cute little butterfly embroidery I'm doing in French Knots.....
Have a blessed day!
Lovely post mum... but the picture? was it necessary?
Love you,
Your quilts are BEAUTIFUL. I especially love the bohemian one. I found you through your daughter's blog. She makes beautiful rosaries. I hope to visit you both often.
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