Friday, March 28, 2025

Creating a space of comfort, a free stitchery, and family pics...


The rain continues, after months of monsoons, and the days are dark. Though this is still our summer wet season, it normally diminshes when March arrives, but this year, March has had the highest rainfall in recorded history for our town. It's still hot (though not as hot as usual in the north Australian tropics this time of year), humid, and very sticky outside, despite the nights of thunderously heavy rain.
But inside, where the constantly dark grey skies rob the rooms of light, I have decided to stop complaining about the lack of sunshiny dry days, and embrace what we have been given. 
This week I changed the living/dining room around so that our very old turquoise couch now sits under the front window, and I've pulled a rug in front of it, and moved the coffee table to be at arms length from it. 
In doing so, I have now created a cosy reading area, near the air conditioner, where I can imagine myself relaxing in a 'real' autumn, like the southern states have.

Upon doing this, I thought about a Jane Austen quote from her novel, Emma, and that I had designed a pattern for this and stitched it a number of years ago, 2016 I think?
So I hunted in my large box of completed stitcheries and found it. Such a perfect quote for times like these, when going out is avoided due to flooded roads and rivers, driving conditions are difficult, and there's a general desire to avoid doing anything outside unless necessary -

"There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort." 
Jane Austen, Emma

With an audio book in the background (no, not Jane Austen, but an Agatha Christie set in the early years), a large cup of tea, some leftover fruit mince tarts from Christmas, and the soft lamplight from my desk shedding a calm light around the sewing room, I began to bring this little stitchery to life as a mini-pillow.

It may not be one you'd throw on the couch, or lean back against when your back is aching from pulling weeds, but its a pretty little thing that could sit on your book shelf, perhaps next to your Austens? Or, as I have found, it's just right, to quote Goldilocks, for supporting a book on your lap as you read. You could make one as a gift for that friend who simply loves a good Jane Austen novel, or just needs a reminder to find comfort in her home?
I was asked recently if I use a hoop when I embroider, and the response is no, I do not. I did try long ago, but it just never felt right, so I would make myself a small pillow and rest the heel of my right hand on it as I stitched, and this (I felt) gave me more control over the tension of the thread, the fabric and the needle, so I've been doing this ever since. 
Now I have this little pillow to double as a rest for my books as I read, and a rest for my hand as I stitch. 
As you can see below, I do love a Jane Austen novel, and I have passed that love onto dear Blossom too. These are some of my collection, but over the years I have gifted Bloss with a vintage Austen (all over 80 years old) from my treasured collection most birthdays. She has them all now, and one day, if Jesus has not yet returned, she will pass them along to her girls.

Is there a space in your home that you could create as a calming place of rest to read and enjoy a tea, coffee or hot cocoa? We only have the one living area, so I had to use my creativity when planning that spot under the front window, and I do need to change the covering on that turquoise couch because I would like a more neutral colour as we hopefully come into a true autumn in another month or so. Fortunately we have a beige waffle weave blanket that would cover it, and it will work just lovely with the beige throw in the main photo at the beginning of this post. 

I also found a lovely scarf to use on the coffee table as a runner, but I must tell you, this is all rather different for me as I've never been a beige kind of person when it comes to colour in the must be this longing for autumn and winter. 

It's a wonderful mental adjustment when you choose to put off the discontent that can creep in during times of change, those seasons when you have no control over so much that is happening outside your door. That's why I cherish my home, for it truly is my sanctuary, and it is a privilege to create a place of welcome and comfort and grace for my husband, and for our family and friends when they visit. Is it easy? Not all the time. It takes intentionality, and purpose - both of which bolster me forward when I find my mind wearied by ongoing challenges. It also means surrendering my will to God, because I can at times fall prey to my own feelings of discontent, but thankfully the older I get, the deeper into the Word I am, the less that happens. Making this small area of cosiness was easy, I just didn't think of it soon enough, but once I did...well, my heart is happy. And content. 

If you'd like the complete pattern for the Comforts of Home (stitchery and pillow with insert as well) it's HERE in my Etsy Shop


With just over three weeks until we celebrate Resurrection Sunday, I wanted to share once again this older pattern of mine with you. You have time to stitch it, and as I have written in the pattern, you can choose to either include the applique border, or leave it out. 

I look at the border as being representative of the Tomb being opened and the cross left empty. Empty because our Lord, who was brutally beaten and crucified, ROSE TO LIFE on the third day, and his disciples found that dark and forboding space which had recently hidden the body of Christ, open and empty. 

If you would like to stitch this free pattern simply use the link below to download it. May you be blessed as you stitch!


I shall sign off today with some photos of Blossom, Ross and the children taken recently. Many of you write and ask how they are, pray for them, and request some new here they are, in our monsoon-y 2025 so far. The children love to be outside between the storms, and as the family live just near the beach they often escape there to play and collect shells. 

Until next time, God bless, and I pray that if you have not yet found it, that the Lord will direct you how and where to create your own space, or place, of contentment within your  home...


Friday, March 21, 2025

Free study download and free stitcheries...


Back in late 2022, and through 2023, I shared a 16-part quilt pattern with my readers at that time, called The Virtuous Wife. It was a labour of true love, and included with each month's embroidery block was a Bible study on a particular verse we were stitching.

For those of you who are interested, I have finally made time to expand on those studies, whilst also adding more of them, so this has become almost a small book. Last night I wrote the final page, and went to bed happy and content, full of hope that this would be honouring to God, and a blessing to all of you who choose to download and use it. 

After completing the morning chores I went back to do a review of spelling and grammar, and was about to convert it from a document to a PDF file when I thought, "What if I added some Scripture stitcheries?"

And so, the next five hours were spent doing just that!
I wonder if you're like me and love to stitch from the Bible? It's such a gentle way to engrave the Word on your mind and in your heart. With the theme of this study being evident, I chose 7 short passages that described the character of a Bible-believing wife. 

Recently I decided that it would be lovely to hang framed Scriptures on the walls. I already have many of my Bible embroidery designs hanging in our home, and I do love them, but a wall of smaller framed verses would be perfect, and as this year one of my to-dos is to make over the living room and bedroom without spending any money if possible, this project will be a joy - and a bonus is that I have quite a few frames tucked away that can be used. If I need more, a quick trip to the op-shop usually provides what I require for a couple of dollars. 

So with that in mind I thought these little stitchery patterns would bless you, as well as me!

I do not mind if you share about this free study, but would just ask that you lead your friends to this blog post first, and they can download from here. I'd also love to hear your thoughts and discoveries as you read through the study, so I've made a new page on my website, specifically for Bible studies (because I shall be sharing more this year). You can go HERE to access that, or use the Bible Studies link under my blog header.  
I pray this blesses you. xxx

Use the link below to download the free "Proverbs 31 - the whole chapter"

Other Things...

After completing the blue sashiko panel on recycled linen, my plan was to either frame it or use it as a cushion centre, but on Monday I gave the sewing room, which doubles as my study space, a thorough going over, and whilst mending a few things, realised I needed a good-sized square pincushion that I could fill with crushed walnut shells (that I save when my old pincushions have seen the last of their days)...and that lovely 6" sashiko piece looked just perfect. 

Now I've started a new sahsiko design, also on some recycled linen, but this is destined to become a placemat. We are in need of new placemats, and as our dining room is also our living room, it becomes part of the frugal makeover this year. My husband likes maroon (if you're an Australian you will probably guess what State of Origin team he barracks for) so I chose a deep maroon thread for the first one. 

I'm also stitching the next block in this year's free The Sewing Room BOM, but obviously I cannot show you yet...only eleven more days and it's yours. ;-)

In 2023 the free BOM I shared with my readers was The Virtuous Wife, and though I had sewn all sixteen blocks together, sandwiched the quilt top with batting and backing, and thread basted it...I had not yet quilted it. During my big clean, tidy and rearrange of the sewing room this week, I brought it out and decided it was time to quilt it, but as this is the tropics and we won't cool down for another 6 weeks or so when winter is almost at the door, it's too hot for hand quilting. So I did a bit of machine quilting, and within a short time regretted my decision. 

With the air con blowing around me, I sat the other day with my seam ripper and unpicked all the machine quilting, grateful I had only done a small section. Now it's waiting on my desk for cooler days when I can finally hand quilt it. 

Funny thing about cleaning the sewing room, you get enthused with ideas, most of them quite simple. There's a few pieces of fabric I thrifted about ten years ago, and haven't used yet, so when I was moving an old book I'd been re-reading, one of those simple ideas came to mind. 
Do you remember when I used some recycled linen to cover an old Bible and a journal? 

Well, I have a very old copy of The Simple Path, which was coming apart. It's a biography of Mother Teresa, and has always been like a compass for directing me back to what a sacrificial life lived for Jesus really is. 
I chose this pretty rose fabric to cover the book, and added my favourite photo of Mother Teresa to the front page. The fabric feels like cotton duck, but I can't be sure. It's good and sturdy though, so I also used it for lining the cover.  

I have a number of favourite books that inspire my walk of faith, this being one. Another is The Heavenly Man - the story of Brother Yun who was a Chinese leader of the hidden house churches, but is now exiled from China. 
The stories of Gladys Aylward, George Mueller, Jim Elliot, Oswald Chambers, Corrie ten Boom, and so many others who have lived for Christ, are used by God to teach me, to correct me, and to expand my view of what following Jesus may cost one day. 

Around home we've had more rain than ever, with the rain gauge needing to be emptied every morning, and that contributes to all my indoor activity! Which includes doing a deep clean of the kitchen on Tuesday, starting with the oven. I admit it is my least enjoyed chore in the entire house, but for some reason I thoroughly enjoyed it this week. 
Using bi-carb and lemin juice, the triple glass doors came up crystal clear. I cleaned the inside just with vinegar and water, which also worked well. The steel shelving inside was cleaned in the dishwasher, something I hadn't thought of before, but will continue to do from now on. I also clean the exhaust fan filters over the cooktop in the dishwasher too, and have done for years - which is what made we wonder about the oven shelves. Glad to have tried it. 

Responding to comments...

Dear friends, thank you for chatting in the comments! Most of you are 'no-reply' commenters, so I have begun responding via the comments section if I cannot email you. You each have a wealth of knowledge to share, and I find your experiences so interesting to read. I truly do enjoy hearing 'you' through your words, and not just having you hear me. Thank you. 

To answer a question that a few have asked recently - in my free Pantry Staples ebook (HERE) there were queries as to what Rice Bubbles are. That's what we call them in Australia, but apparently google tells me that in the USA they are known as Rice Krispies. Not sure what they are elsewhere, but here's a photo of our Rice Bubbles. 

And finally, I'd like to ask that nobody leaves a political comment on my blog posts. Now that I need to approve every comment before it is published, I can quickly delete political rants. My blog is for the homemaker, the sister-in-Christ, the quilter, the embroiderer, the baker, the gardener, the gentle friends, the is not a political platform for anyone. Thank you for understanding. 

Well, I am going to sign off now, and will pray for each and every one of you reading this. May the Lord use anything of worth from my blog and my writing, to bless you, to encourage and inspire you, and most importantly, to draw you closer to our dear Saviour, Jesus Christ. I also pray that if anything is unworthy that He will blind your mind to it, and correct me in His most loving Fatherly way. 

Hugs, prayers and love, 

Monday, March 17, 2025

Finding beauty, and some show and tell...

The sky still rains, the ground is still soaked, the submersible pumps in the front and back yards run their rhythm of on/off all day and night to remove the endless water from around the house, and yet life continues normally most of the time. 

The wet season is normally easing off around mid-March, but this year it is revving up again, though we had about nine days of scorching dry heat at the end of February which helped dry out the ground eventually. With so many weeks/months of heavy downpours, overcast skies, deep thunders and lightning flashes across the night sky, its easy to feel a bit grey yourself. The best thing to do when that happens is to look for beauty in the midst of the gloom. 

It was wonderful to get four hours without rain this morning, and I quickly hung out the washing, praying for God's grace to see it dry before the skies opened again with the next pounding of rain. The temperature is still hot and very humid, which helps to dry things when you only have a short window of time. 

Washing hung on the clothesline is a thing of beauty to me, and as I get to do this almost year round, I know I'm very blessed. 

I'm still sad about the demise of our once beautiful, and huge, poinciana tree, but we cannot do anymore than has been done already with regards to chopping the remaining limbs and trunk until the dry season returns. 

If you've seen my tree before, here it is...

...and all that is left after the monsoon last month.

But my goodness, it wants to grow still... we may have to consider another option, such as cutting it right back low on the trunk and seeing what nature can do. Lots of think about, and pray about. 

The yards are overgrown from months of rain, and even though you cannot see, when you walk on the ground you sink down into a lot of water that simply has nowhere to go as the ground is already saturated. Now, I could let the 'woes' get to me, but I choose to look for beauty amidst all that's been overtaken by weeds, or drowned from too much water, or plants simply struggling to keep going.

I pruned my roses just before the monsoon, and apart from my pretty yellow rose that couldn't cope any longer, they're surviving....even blooming. I have them all in pots, as they will all die if I left them in the ground, but how blessed I am to have all but one fighting on. This is one of my long stemmed reds...

...and here's a few other pretties that have coped well. 

I'm also blessed to see the basil, spring onions, chives, sage and mint doing well! The basil and sage are planted in a few places around the yard, but all are doing well. I thought I'd lost the mint and lime balm, but they've decided to come back with gusto. Beautiful. 

No matter what, it's important that we see through the grey days, whether they be weather related or something else, and intentionally go looking for the simple beauties that are always there to be seen, but too often overlooked. 

The weather will be hot and humid for quite a while yet, but eventually things will cool down when winter arrives in June. Every winter I re-read Laura Ingalls Wilder's "The Long Winter" but I'm starting early this year reading one chapter each night before bed. It's my favourite of all her books, and I think it's for a few reasons.

1. It's a real winter, unlike the temperate one we get here in the tropics.
2. It's a lesson in resilience by real people who lived a real life. 
3. It's a lesson in resourcefulness when times are dire. 
4. They keep the faith, and they do all they can to look after themselves and help others in need.

What's a book you re-read each year? What do you love about it?


I lost a lot of emails with show & tell photos last year when we had to fix my computer, but I do have a few Show & Tell photos to show you now that were sent to me by lovely women who made some of my designs. 

First, there's Ann Boudrot's version of the Simple Days quilt, all completed...she says this is her favourite quilt, and you know, it's mine too, because it was designed to celebrate the simple life I love. Didn't she make it beautifully! She even added lace inside the final border...

Next is Irmgard Jacob's version of the "Joy in the Ordinary" quilt, which was my block of the month pattern for 2024. 
Her colour choices are so warm and homely, like a hot cocoa on a late autumn afternoon. I love it! 

And thirdly I have Cathi Hurtubise's bordered block from my ongoing free stitchalong, Promises of God. The photo she sent was tiny, so it's not easy to see well, but it's beautiful!

If you'd like to join in the free Promises of God stitchalong, you can download the first three patterns HERE

If you'd like to sew Simple Days, the pattern is HERE...
and if you'd like to sew Joy in the Ordinary, it is HERE

Hopefully by the end of the week I will have completed a large downloadable Bible Study for you, as a gift. In between deep cleaning the house, refreshing my sewing/office space, general homemaking and trying to tame the garden between storms, I've been putting this study together in the hope it will be a blessing, and praying it will glorify the Lord. 

But right now, it is late, and I'm off to bed. God bless you dear ones, and always remember, look for the beauty around you and let God enlarge it in your heart. 

Hugs and prayers,

Friday, March 14, 2025

Wasps, a fruitful vine and stitching...


It's been nine days since my last blog post, and it seems a long time ago now, and yet a short time, for many things have happened, and I find that when a lot of different things fill a week, or a month, or even a year, time itself feels stretched in one way, and reduced in another. I wonder if you feel that way too?

Last week on Thursday, I decided to finally begin pruning the various shrubs in and around our garden areas. I grow many herbs, but none as large as the Tulsi bush (also known as holy basil). Unchecked it would become a tree, but I keep it at shrub height so that I can easily harvest the leaves for herbal teas. After the monsoon last month, and the garden being soaked beyond saturation as the yards flooded around our home, we had some plants that couldn't cope and died off (or should I say drowned?), but we also had some that simply thrived. They were the ones in raised beds, and boy did they shoot up and out through February and into March.

After that we had about ten to twelve days with no rain at all, just fierce dry scorching sun, and to be honest this was good for drying out our sodden yards, and allowing time for fixing a few more leaks. Anyhow, last Thursday as I pruning the sides of the Tulsi bush, something quite unexpected happened. As I began to trim closer in, three large wasps came at me. One stung my hand, the other my neck, and as I automatically opened my mouth in shock and pain, another flew into my mouth and stung the underside of my top lip. I cannot describe the pain. It was something I never want to feel again. Being home alone, all I could do was drop my shears and run like the wind inside, splash water over my face and neck, and suck on a ice pack we had in the freezer. Then I smeared Stingose over my mouth and neck, and into my lip. I could barely see from the pain in my mouth, and my lip was swelling. That ice pack was the only thing that kept me going for the next fifteen minutes until I could think what else to do. I remembered we had phenergan tablets in our first aid kit from when I had contact dermatitis a few years back, so I took one of them and laid on the bed with that ice pack stuffed in my mouth. And that's where I stayed until hubby came home a couple of hours later. 

It took six days for all the swelling to settle in my lip, and for all the pain to subside. Though a horrible experience, and having no-one here to help, I knew the Lord was with me, and that was my greatest comfort. 

I missed Rafaella's pool party with her friends (her 7th birthday) on the Saturday, as I felt the stinger still in my neck whilst in the shower, and pulled it out, not realising that was a silly thing to do. It released more venom and almost immediately I got sick with migraine, nausea and exhaustion. The day was spent on the couch, doing some very simple sashikostitching to keep my mind occupied...and a few movies to watch in the background. 

I had already drawn a graph on some more of that recycled linen sheet...

...and calmly stitched away, slow stitches having always been very soothing to my mind. Here's the completed piece, six inches square. Think it will become the centre of a pillow. 

This week has had ups and downs, but I had my 'happy cup' filled twice - once with Blossom and the children, and again with my friend Rosie. Spending quality time with people you love, and who love you, definitely has its own medicinal qualities! 

Peaches, plums and nectarines are at the very end of their season, and they usually disappear from supply around the end of March, so I made more nectarine relish, and tried the pickled peaches recipe (in the pantry staples ebook I shared with you HERE) Well, I already knew the relish was good, but wow, those pickled peaches are delicious!

You just make the pickling liquid, pour it over thinly sliced fresh peaches (must be fresh), leave to cool, and then store in the fridge. Use within a couple of weeks...ours did not last that long so I'm making more.

I have had to keep preserving limes, as our tree has still not stopped giving. I found more limes up high and also hidden in the middle (before the wasp incident). I decided to measure out juice and rind in quantities to make cordials over the coming winter and spring, and now have four containers in the freezer for that purpose. I also froze juice and rind in smaller quantities for making lime curd as well. Plus there are some whole limes in the freezer, along with lots of lime juice frozen in ice cube trays - these will be great for curries, and tapioca puddings. 

I've also chopped up nectarines and red onions in small containers, enough in each one to make a batch of nectarine relish whenever we want it. I think this is the first time I have ever thought to freeze ingredients together to make a fruit recipe out of season. I would have loved to do the same with peaches so I could pickle them, but after making the pickles, you can't beat the lovely firmness of fresh peaches in that recipe. 

On Sunday my head had settled, but we still stayed home as I needed to rest a bit more. In between rests, I baked some slices (I think in the US you would call these a bar) to freeze - a ginger lime slice, and a lemon coconut slice. I froze half of each, and the rest I shared between Blossom's family and my husband, who takes a packed lunch to work every day and likes a little sweet treat included. Today I baked a chocolate peppermint slice, and I'll freeze half of this as well, as soon as I cut it into 24 pieces.

The sage I cut and hung inside just a day or two before the monsoon hit at the end of January, was ready for processing yesterday afternoon. I removed all the leaves, then chopped them in the food processor, so now I have about two cups of chopped dried sage to add to my home grown herb supplies. I LOVE the smell of sage! Fortunately we still have plenty in the garden, but the rain has returned and everyday we are getting heavy storms, so I can't pick any more bunches for drying just yet.

Here's the stitching I am currently on during my afternoon tea break, and in the evenings. I stitch the Yumiko Higuchi design during the day because there's a lot involved, but at night when the light is dimmer and I'm getting tired, I work on sashiko...

The backgrounds are both repurposed linen. 

My favourite part of any day, apart from when my beloved returns home from work, is time spent in the Word. I bought this large lined notebook at the beginning of the year, and use it for word studies.

So far in the past six weeks or so, I have studied 'work', 'contentment', 'humility', and being a 'wife' - all from a Biblical perspective. The more I delve into the various teachings, and study the root meanings of each word and verse from the Hebrew, the more our Lord opens wide my understanding of what He wants from me, and what He meant when He inspired the text. I cannot recommend word studies highly enough!

I'm just finishing the 'wives' study with regards to the verses and passages of Scripture, and am now about to delve into every character trait the Bible says about wives, the good and the bad. I don't think women take as much note of the bad traits, as they do of the good ones, and I confess that its made me really pray about my own role as wife, and wanting to overcome anything negative, whilst building on the positives.

Years ago I used to draw and colour in my Bible journals, or studies, but these days I like to use pretty washi tape and stickers...I'm more focused on the words themselves than drawings. For some of the previous studies, like the one on Work, I cut photos from my Country Living magazines of people working in the home and the garden. I'll show you some of them another time. 

The first character trait I'm looking at is from Psalm 128:3 - "Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine, in the very heart of your house." as this was the Psalm we read at our wedding in 1991. 
So far, this verse has shown to be a bit different to what I used to think. I associated her fruitfulness with having children, but that is only one aspect of the meaning, so if you'd like me to share more about these studies, just let me know. 
I am praying to be fruitful in ALL things to do with our home, and my treasured role as wife. 

I shall sign off now, as this has become a long post, and you may be yawning at this stage. ;-) I pray for no more wasp attacks in future, and hope to be blogging again early next week, as I have something else to share. 

God bless you, keep you safe, watch over your coming and going, surround your home with His comforting presence, and guide you into the fullness of His Word so that you may overflow with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and a desire to do all He has commanded. 

Until next time, love and prayers,